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Putnam County Antique Tractor & Machinery Craft Show

May 21, 2022 8:00am - 8:00pm
The PCATMA will be holding its 3rd annual antique tractor & machinery show and craft fair at the Putnam County Fairgrounds. The truck and tractor pull event, hosted by the PCATMA, will begin at 4pm. All pulling classes are desired and welcome.
All types of antique machinery are welcome for show and demonstration: farm equipment (new or old), old trucks, pre-classic cars, hit & miss engines, garden tractors, implements, oddities, etc. If it’s old and you want to show it, bring it! There will be blacksmith demonstrations by the Indiana Blacksmith Association. The craft fair and swap meet will be from 9am to 3pm.


Putnam County Fairgrounds
191 North State Road 231
Greencastle, IN 46135 United States
+ Google Map
(765) 655-1565
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