Supporting local businesses happens all year round, but today is the day to make a point of it! Small Business Saturday comes around once a year, join the Putnam County Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Greencastle to celebrate and support your neighbors and their businesses. Downtown Greencastle boutiques will be handing out swag bags, and information/flyers/discounts from local retailers and restaurants.
In addition to the regular activities scheduled for the day, there are other unique events that you can attend while supporting your neighbors:
– Small Business Fashion Show: 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Boutiques from around the courthouse square in downtown Greencastle will combine their efforts to host a winter apparel fashion show at Almost Home Restaurant the morning of Small Business Saturday. The $15 ticket price gets you an entree, a slice of strawberry pizza, a drink, and a front-row seat to the show!